Reading for Kids
Epic is a great website for you read a TON of awesome books digitally (like Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Garfield and Scardey Squirrel). Some books are audiobooks and some books are e-books.
For student login information for Epic, please contact Mrs. Thomson!
KidsA-Z is a great website for you read books at your reading level. Each book that you read will have a quiz at the end. This a great way to practice fluency and comprehension skills. On KidsA-Z, you can also record your reading and send it to me!
For student login information for KidsA-Z, please contact Mrs. Thomson!
Storyline Online is a fun website where actors and other famous people read books to kids. This site is free and doesn't require a login!
Bookflix is offering their online books for free right now (you don't need a login)! Bookflix does a great job animating popular books!
TrueFlix is like Bookflix, but is meant for an older audiences (grades 3-5). These books are non-fiction and really interesting! They aren't animated, so you can read them at your own pace! Just like bookflix, TrueFlix does not require a login!
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