Executable JAR by maven

You can simply use

java -cp path-to-your-jar:path-to-your-lib your-full-main-class-name 

to run the jar.

For example:
java -cp /i88/ca/example.jar:/i88/ca/lib/* it.i88.ca.example.App

If you encounter "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute" problem, this is probably because you have no Main-Class attribute specified in the manifest file.

To create an executable JAR, one simply needs to set the main class that serves as the application entry point.

This will add

Main-Class: ca.i88.App

in the Manifest.txt when you "mvn clean install" or "mvn package". By this way this application's entry point is set.

Another plugin can do the same (Recommended):

Add the maven-shade-plugin plugin and rebuild.
The maven-shade-plugin will take artifacts (jars) produced by the package goal (produces customer code .jar), and created a standalone .jar that contains the compiled customer code, and the resolved dependencies from the pom.xml.

Within Eclipse:
  1. Open the context (right-click) menu for the pom.xml file, choose Maven, and then choose Add Plugin.
  2. In the Add Plugin window, type the following values:
    • Group Id: org.apache.maven.plugins
    • Artifact Id: maven-shade-plugin
    • Version: 3.2.1
  3. Now build again.
    This time we will create the jar as before, and then use the maven-shade-plugin to pull in dependencies to make the standalone .jar.
    1. Open the context (right-click) menu for the project, choose Run As, and then choose Maven build ....
    2. In the Edit Configuration windows, type package shade:shade in the Goals box.
    3. Choose Run.




<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">

